I wonder if you can all help me? For 3d I have got 'faith' which ties in with conviction BUT I agree with the answer 'faint' but I cannot see why and particularly with the word conviction at the end....
From Dickpatven123 Could you all have a look at 15a in todays skeleton 'agreement a prisoner made'. It can either be CONSENT or CONSORT. Both mean 'agreement' and CON means 'a prisoner' but the...
9a A girl cutting it in conclusion. E-I- could this be Enid 10d Supple leather satisfies relatives. -O---IN dog skin? 13a Agreement a prisoner made C-----T consent? 20d Republican leader of help...
22d A taxi sent around Cambodia returned 23d light left on after midnight panic starts 25d sheep of use, by the sound of it [4] 24d Have a hunch fisherman's left fish [4] 26a Compound of silver,...
I wonder could you give me a hand with the Squires Clue of The Sunday Crusader and his Squire 17D where they have "Large tusked sea mammals" and all I can get is DUGONGS which as far as I can...
Any of you wise birds can help my with 15a to skeleton 'One object, or a couple'. I have got ITEM but I am flummoxed by '....or a couple'. Help please.
9a left-winger few missed broke a lock [7] ri?g??? 22d girl, large on top, is hot stuff [4] ?a?? 20a great wares originally in stock [7] s?e?l?g 24a Melissa played with goal needed [7] aimless? 26a...
From dickpatven I wonder if all you wise girls and men could just confirm that you have 'RENAL' for 25A and 'ELAN' for 21D. I am just a bit stuck on parse for 25A particularly the word 'material' at...
I would appreciate all your help with 1 across which is just one word in the Squire's clue and that is OEUVRE which to my mind equals Work or Total BUT I have CANON? Is this correct and if so any help...
For 22d Musicians behind girl (rolling stones). From the others across I have GEMS and I can see musicians (MS) and behind girl (G) but the rolling stones has me beat. Please help with the parse....