what a horrible day . i went for a mammogram with mrs dilf [ all ok ] . then i had the pleasure of primart or whatever its called. question is why dont shops put in a area where bored husbands can sit...
he went out to work one night and came back 20 minutes later to collect his bait which he had forgot, instead of using the key he decided to open the letter box and shout for his daughter to open the...
i went to a solicitor to get some advice on a buisness partners [ex] theiving shenannigans. he explained that though i had a good case against them i must be advised that if i didnt get awarded costs...
ive been given a phone made by 3 , all it says on the phone is LG then the 3 logo. is there any way of unblocking it so it will accept my orange sim out of a nokia 360i or is this illegal . its not...
how come if i mention that the reason she has upset the whole of the household this morning might be directly connected to the box of white mice behind the cistern, i get hit in the face with a hot...