those users that want to impersonate and ridicule others were not allowed to continue to do so? I suggest this should be an issue raised at the next Crystal Guides/ AB training session as neither of...
after all the crap that has been posted today i'm just wondering, is anyone just chilled, happy no probs etc, etc, i realise this a rather broad q but really am i the only one fed up with the bitching i googled you after you left and found you did not have ginger hair after all look -
Can anyone tell me if you can get genital herpes removed by laser? Sorry, not a nice subject i know, but my friend said it's true and i dont believe her. No i havent got it.
Hi All Just Kidding! Anyways, I wanted to let you all know that today is my last day as your AB Editor. It has been a laugh, for sure and I will treasure all the sarcasm and confounding bits of...
My old mercury thermometer has finally bitten the dust and I have a new plastic one that only gives the temperature in celcius. I know the old measurements of about 98F is sort of normal but what is...
hope everyone is well. haven't been on for a few days, now back with a new name (bit too embarrassed to come back as who i was). have i missed anything good? xXx
then i didnt get banned it took ages for my qestion and when i tryed to answer on threads i couldnt , does a banned 1 banned question mean you get a total ban and for how long know one seems to know...
The two Rotties in the case have been destroyed within a short time, no trial, no inquiry. Massive publicity. Outcry against all dogs. Demands to change the law. What will the two people arrested in...
I get immune to bad newspaper reports but one story has so shocked me and has happened in Missouri last week. It concerns two friends Jimella and Tiffany who were best friends from school days....
Whatever happened to him? ITV seemed to be grooming him as a potential pundit for the future, along with the likes of Andy Townsend, Ally McCoist and Robbie Earle, and then he just seemed to...