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real dilf
is he gay?
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real dilf
who would win no weapons?
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Everytime the door goes, the dog goes mental and if I let the person in then he jumps all over them barking and mouthing them! I hold him back but he then starts mouthing me and nearly strangles...
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helpful mum
My son has a homework assignment to plan an experiment as to what things affect the stretching of an elastic band, I am not sure in which respect? Do you think that this would mean testing different...
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When international teams are playing, does the ref use a coin from the host country for the coin toss? or one from his country? or is there a special 'ref' coin they use? And when it's just UK teams...
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hello all AB's, recently on reading posts on all topics it has been brought up on a number of occasions on where fellow AB's are from. therefore i'm just trying to gauge where the biggest percentage...
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hi, can anyone tell me if placing an lcd above mt working fireplace is safe? i am limited to space and this would be the ideal area. i do have a wide slate mantel to sheild the heat. has anyone done...
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i assume the bbc pays fees to artists appearing on Top Of The Pops- but is their a higher fee for more established artists /groups, also do record companies pay the BBC to get their new upcoming...
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I have decided that in 3 years time that I want to be running my own business, I like all those dreamers out there want to make a million which I know is not really going to happen.Any ideas as to...
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Who used to come out with this years ago. Seem to remember a Liverpool accent. Ken Dodd maybe?
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Hello, I hope someone can shed light on my issue. My husband's mother and maternal family are British and we are considering someday coming to live in England if my husband can attain citizenship...
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what does America produce 13 million tonnes of per year
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america produces 13 million tons of what
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What does the USA produce 13 million tons of?
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I have just realised I have accidently written a 250 word essay with the caps lock on when it should have been off so I have had to do it all again. Does anyone know any good jokes to cheer me up?I...
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what type of cfcs do americans produce 13 millions of per year?
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what does america produce 13 million tons of a year?
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Who is the better footballer? Rolf or Kav?
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How many spots on average do leopards have?
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5.30 on a sunday and ive got youngests year 8 geog homework to do .. describe the main components of a diciduous woodlands eco system and a example of a food web operating within it. please help me...

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