Hi, Can anyone please help with the clue below. It is the last one I have to solve and I'm running out of time. The answer is a place around the coast of mainland Britain (or within spitting...
Just a couple of answers needed please
9d Flout rational changes inside causing price cuts
(12) ?e???t?o?a?y
12a Head bishop of a city (12)
33 down commanded 7 letters 24 across now have as ones possession anag.3 25 across immediately following 4 letters 65 down is it misfortune many thanks
'apologies if you've answered before but clicking on the url that I originally gave gets me nowhere! 1. A BIRD: clue: "Not a miner bird" (4, 3 letters) 2. A CAR: clue: "First force or aircraft...
help needed please last two 18 across medical term for normal relaxed breathing e---n--e 48 down where elizabeth was staying when she heard that she had acceded to throne s--a-a-o--e also 15 across is...
1/ release energy in waste scrapped by small company (4.3.5) 2/ they help audiences to see work on time, george and the girls (5.7) ---r-/g-----s 3/ get rid of sheep, dins awful, without brains (8.4)...
father need to wound one thus in a stick up ??i?g huntsman has to use bad language about it thus ?h???e?r in its aliness it plants tree out with new york involved ?n?i?e?y
My wife's mate has a riddle which he reckons can be solved using logic, but it's beyond me. A man is drugged and kidnapped.When he wakes up, he is in a completely dark room with no windows or...
19a.A purified liquid that has been produced by condensation of the vapour of the mixture.(10) -i-t-l-a-e 41a.Commune of France within the metropolitanarea of Paris that is the site of the historic...
HI can you help me with this crytpic clues - they are all about birds? 1)chinese knocking device 2)Bird on a string 3)What a coward does in times of danger 4)Kebab stick thanks