SORRY I had a few letters wrong therefore the clues should read: 1)Territorial atomic group in description of the process of birth (8) N?T?O??? 2)Woman's born enhancement to any dish (4) H???
1)Rent much hillier areas than East Anglia-severe disappointments (8) L?T????? 2)Local head is cross over awful acting(7) ????H?? 3)Regular user of footpaths never seems to come to the point (7)...
3) Down We hear a lure signified a comedown (9) s?a?e?e?t Statement or scapement seem to be the only possible answers. I presume signified = ment, but can't get the rest.
Hi Everybody, I don't ask for help very often,and I don't like having to ask to many questions.I know I posted some yesterday but I've come to a grinding halt on these last ones,which are left out of...
Steve's bookmark fell out of his book and he was unable to remember what page he had got to. He did remember that he had passed page 800 already, and the total of all numbers below the pages the...
1. A rod in a safe (4,5) 2. One for the mathematicians (7) 3. Peacock and admiral (9) 4. A perm? (7) 5. An argument (9) 6. The first chemical compound? (7,3) Many thanks in advance. DK
4 down vulgar othello for instance can 9 letters b-------r 5 down diagnose one with back troubel -fused bones 4 letters I--- 14 across no hoper-unruly, silly person has enrolled in church 4-5,5 am...
12 d what could produce ace or ice? r-s---e (7) 16a Old lover's resistance overcome by passionate urge e-h---(6) 52a support bishop becoming saint in the hereafter --e-t-e (7) think this may be...
Sorry everyone, I've just found some more questions. The answers are all types of chocolate: 1. Boring end; 2 Drop off a plane; 3 Adjust your set; 4 Miss Piggy's favourite.
Hi, I'm really stuck on this quiz. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance. All the clues are place names around the coast of mainland Britain (or within spitting distance). 1)...
found some more.many thanks to all that have answered.. upward thrust 5 small wave 6 dusk 8 dating service 5,6 mothers joy 4,7 unorthodox person 8 american state 7 taken in a plane 5 small dog 6 i...