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Dizzy Lizzie

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And here's yet another month that's just flying by - do you realize that when we're all wracking our brains next Saturday morning, it'll only be 3 more sleeps till Santa comes !!! Oh that's a scary...
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OK let's hope third time is lucky !! MORE TO FOLLOW
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Welcome to the start of a brand new month and a brand new competition - Queen Liz will be wearing the crown for the month of December, after a very close finish last weekend, while all the rest will...
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The sun's over the yardarm, so show a leg all of you. Kate's link words today are: Keep SAKE Spaghetti STRAP SHRINK wrap SMOOTH newt. And newt for me again.
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The final weekend is here and jan1956 & wickedtongue are neck and neck on 8 points at the head of the Leader Board - who will be there at the end to take the crown or will one of the other 7 players...
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And a very Good Morning to all the early risers - I hope you've had a good weekend and that the sun is shining at least somewhere in the UK this morning. Too early I think for the KM Link words just...
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Heavens, Week 3 already !!! The speed at which these months pass by is positively hair-raising !! before long, people will start muttering about Christmas - Help !! And, typically, winter has...
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Winding up or down after a very busy week of action here in the Antipodes - too many lunches, too much bubbly and much too much money spent trying to back winners during the Spring Racing carnival -...
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Good morning all, from a typical spring day here in the Southern Hemisphere, where it's wet, windy and perishing !! I think that's what crofter calls the parallel universe - I know what I call it and...
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I know, I know - I'm running very late - big race meeting here today, so glued to TV - winning though, which is good !!! Good morning all, will post this and follow up with preamble in case early...
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Goodness, another month is flying by - only one more weekend after this before a winner is crowned and quite a cluster there is at the top of the leader board. As always, we're attempting [ !! ] to...
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And away we go with another round of lightening fast responses to the Link Words set by Kate Mepham in this week's Telegraph. Imaginations will be firing on all cylinders as we try our hand at coming...
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Good morning all, and a special hello to Aquagility whom I understand has succumbed to something nasty and will be out of action for a while. This is of course the start of a new month's Competition,...
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OK guys, this is it !!! The final run home for this month's competition and I have got to make this short and sweet, because the intrepid Aquagility is all poised and waiting with this weekends links...
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In the absence of Steff, this is your WAKE UP CALL for this week's KM Game. The link words are ROMAN COMIC SIERRA OLIVE Not too many choices this week, I think.
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Good morning all - yes I know, a pretty early start but I was here anyway so thought I'd get ahead of myself......ummmm. September is flying by, we're half way through our five week comp, so still...
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Lovely day here, so I'll get an early start and get back to the gardening - that way I can be sure of our getting some more rain - fat chance !!! Starting the second week of what will be a five week...
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September !!!!! ???????? where did the year go ?? One minute it's hot summer weather and we're still recovering from celebrating Christmas too well [ as usual ] and suddenly I realise there are...
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Goodness, another month of fun and frivolity has flown by and on Monday, we will know who managed to come out on top in August. At the present moment that 'unenviable' position is held by yours truly...
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And a Good Morning to all and sundry today - hope the sun is shining brightly and we're all feeling equally cheerful, full of the joys, etc !!!!! I notice we're getting through August at a great rate,...

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