Mine is drink. I can see it, taste it, look at it, enjoy it. Is that not entirely more satisfying than useless worship of non existant things like gods ?
This happens about 5 or 6 times per day necessitating a re-boot. If I constantly play music stored in PC from CD's it seems fine. Any ideas before I chuck it through window.
Very touching , some great people. But why was the audience full of old hasbeens. Who else thinks Richard Hammond is a nauseating inconsequential idiot. His hair annoys me, his voice annoys his crap...
that chap who spent 13 years going round the world. Has he no job ? Who paid him.? Do you feel completely thick and stupid and under achieving because you go to work to support your family instead of...
be in a zoo or a freak show. How on earth can he make money by being the oddest person on the planet. Maybe the wooftas are right, move over. Or is that turn over?
When we go on holiday and see someone with a camera we always get in the line of sight and smile with a cheery wave. We always wonder whether at some time in the future the photograph taker will say...
Why have these been reduced to two. Yes ,I know it's to provide more ad space. Can we have it back to four please, it is easier to keep track that way.