As our bodies are 20% carbon should cremations be banned. Does anyone know the "carbon footprint" result of burning a corpse relative to the number of car exhausts. Makes you think. BTW next time you...
The last survey went down like a fart in a spacehelmet. Could we please have a separate category "Trivia" for such sillyness as " would you like your eye poked out by a clothes peg or a pymy's willie"...
I am just in process of downloading and saving for posperity all the Fawlty Towers episodes. I have never seen any Ricky Gervais stuff. Are they as good as each other, is one better or or they in...
The other night on TV, maybe the news, not sure, there was an item showings models parading the catwalk. Their feet crossed over markedly as they walked.They sway funny as well. Does anybody REALLY...