Having had a skinful the other night I heeded the seasonal drink driving warnings and took a cab. Straight home, no trouble at all from the Police, only problem is it's now in my garage and I haven't...
8ac Will reveal the hidden _/B_ _ _ 16ac LIly O_ _ _ 23ac Chinese coin or weight E_ _ _ 25ac A seaside pleasure SWA_ 45ac First name of famous American author BR_T 72ac A people with unalterable laws...
A friend I were talking about various things including songs which have parts of them spoken rather than sung. It reminded me of a song - by Queen I think - which had a short piece, during the final...
Logically, we know Santa can't get round the whole world in one night on 24 December. So he does a few countries early. In Switzerland, they have Santa on 6 December. But ... He doesn't fly in with...
i have a house, my friend wants me to rent it to her on a short time basis to do massage, i let her use it last week and i paid by my card to advertise her services on a website. i am now concerned...
It's me again when I use the eraser tool to clean the edges of the person I've coloured it "rubs away" the layer below.It doesn't erase that part of the layer just lightly removes the surface...
Help!!. I am stuck on quite a few: 1: Reggae spin-off - I have RAG?? (5 letters) 2: Serious musicians - I have ?U?OS ( 5 letters) 3: Chile's Plains - I have ?O?LLA?O? ( 9 letters) 4: Former GM car...
Do BTP officers have any powers outside of railway properties? For instance, if I was stupid enough to exceed the speed limit while overtaking one of their vehicles on a motorway could I be stopped...
The button holes on my shirts (man's) are cut vertically, i.e. like this..... I except for the top and bottom ones which are cut horizontally, like this... -- Does anyone know what the reason for this...
For any irrational reason you choose, what places can't you abide? I am watching four in a bed and the B & B is near Southwold, can't stand the place (sent a shiver down my spine when they said it,...
http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/nov/24/iran-nuclear-deal-obama-congress-israel "Dont worry Benjy boy we know what the bast@#£s are up to, just go along with it 'cos it looks good in the press...
http://www.purlbee.com/the-purl-bee/2010/8/21/mollys-sketchbook-strawberry-pillows.html I'm trying to make the above cushions. I've cut out the triangle, but I can't work out the first fold . . . Can...
We're about to leave for a short holiday in Poland. Does anyone know if it's expensive out there, e.g. cost of food, travelling around on public transport, etc? Just wondering what to expect really....