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I sent him away laughing anyway! You know when you're telling them your not interested & they keep coming back waffling! I just said no no & a third no! but you are trying, very! lol!
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1. there was a supertax introduced? 2. national service was made compulsory? 3. compulsory birth control being introduced for teens? 4. realistic mortgage rates in relation to salary? 5. restrictions...
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I'm trying to think of cool words that end in OT for my number plate...any ideas? (Preferably not SNOT! It's a classy car I own!!) lol
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ive downloaded a movie file from limewire and trying to get it on to dvd. is there anyway round the copyright bit as i think thats the reason its not letting me burn a disc
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Where do the 'reccomended for you' come from? Some of the tracks I actually like.
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Well it's friday again, the highlight of the week for me. I'm waiting patiently for the Ed's blog. It's great to hear about all the exciting new developments coming our way. I also enjoy his sense of...
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I will miss the abed appearance. Am i bovered. same old same old etc etc etc etc etc .
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I'm having a field day here at the moment, alton-history/fanny-adams.htm If the above story was to happen today, in Britain, (non Brits please answer...
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daffy654 ire/7687600.stm Hahaha :-)
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Gonna buy new shorts So khaki or a sandy colour ? What do you think ?
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how long have some of you peeps been on this here site
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Prostitutrion. Do the men use/abuse the women ? Or are the women infact using the men ? Is it easier or harder than a 9to5 job? Having watched the diaries of a call girl i know she was more in control...
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How do you all know when someone is masquerading as someone else? When someone who is a regular on here changes their user name, how do you all pick up on it so quickly?
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Who is actually one of the tenants i look after, a girl 21, was unfortunately up to a couple of years ago raising money for her expensive lifestyle by means of the worlds oldest profession. One...
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grrrrrrr there has to be some technology out there to filter the eejits via the ISP usual suspect option!!!!
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like dogs or cats? or A.Guest
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If I send a postal order to a company accompanied by a letter saying full and final settlement , does it stand that my account is paid in full even if they say write to me after cashing the postal...
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hi i have had a debt since 2000 its with the credit card people and when i moved i never told them .. i was to scared to talk to them as they never listened and i begged them to stop interest but they...
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I know it's early, but Thing1 dropped in on her way home, and we've just seen off a bottle between us. Not much point waiting until 6.00 now. Ah, well. Better open another bottle.
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I swear I saw my late mothers face in the tea leaves. Also when I rinsed the cup out the noise of the water was mum saying, "Hello son". Am I pschcyc..

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