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my 19 year old daughter just told me she is pregnant
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Some things really don't matter, but you still find them irritating. One of mine ... When someone is wearing a belt, and they've missed one of the belt loops.
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What annoys you about what other people do or say? I started uni recently and feel like people don't really like me, as if I just annoy them! Trying to work out if I'm imagining it, or maybe doing...
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friends re-united is quite interesting. I am sending messages to workpals from years ago. School as well. Will I regret it ??????????????
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Hi All, This is a bit of a weird one, I have recently spent a lot of time at the dentist, getting some new veneers done on my 2 front teeth (due to smashing my teeth when I was 9 and getting temporary...
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I reckon tesco are going to buy another supermarket in the town I work in, and colleague said they were thinking about it a while ago but they have got the main one in town down the road now and I...
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Only in soaps. How many can you think of? The one I can remember furthest away in time is Eric Pollard from Emmerdale, when he was in Italy. What is the allure of the soaps? Is it the fact that we can...
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It involved many things but the part i am worrying about is, i was diving underwater but i felt i was drowning so tried to come up for air. I realised i was really struggling and later found out i had...
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At what speed does electicity move along. If a wire is thicker than another would the speed be the same. If two wires were differant lengths would one light a bulb quicker than the other.
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Why on earth some people think this woman is worth anything goodness only knows. Great interview. They just stopped short of telling kerry she was ratfaced.
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Check out this site: See grey aliens on the wall of a 5th century Egyptian Pharaoh.
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suffer fools gladly. I don't suffer them at all.
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Lately I've got about a 3" thick horizontal line of interference at the bottom of my monitor. Any ideas?
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Perhaps the most interesting aspect of near death experiences relates to those experienced by young children, many of whom are too young to have any concept of death. Such experiences in children have...
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Woolworths have been accused of discriminating pensioners by selling scary pensioner masks !! I think they are brilliant ! I have seen pensioners a lot scarier lol !...
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my son is 14 at school today a teacher told him she hates him ..(another teacher heard this) so he told her to shut up ..he is excluded from school now for 1 day ...then we have a meeting to go to on...
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AB Editor
Is up
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I have come to think this place is getting old and out dated. I have been accused of bieng some of the sickest posters and banned for doing nothing more than making a joke. But I have found a new site...
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Hello, I am trying to organise top notch food for a Christmas party in London for the company execs and directors. Does anyone know where I can buy game (rabbit / phesant / hare / partridge)? Thanks
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Hello. I am trying to organise stock for the Christmas Party for the company executives and directors. I am interested in finding some premium bottled water to serve alongside the top notch food and...

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