does anybody know where i can get hold of any spyware for msn messenger or some kind of keylogger FOR FREE so i can keep tabs on my kids! tried Kazaa but dont really know the names of any programs.
Talk about a long shot!: in the UK (on Channel 4 television) after the last basketball game of the play-off final series (the last game Jordan Pippen etc played together - the last game of the...
i'm doing a dissertation on the effectiveness of advertising mediums. Does anyone know where i can find a model with which i can analyse the effectiveness of different advertising mediums?
Talk about a long shot!: in the UK (on Channel 4 television) after the last basketball game of the play-off final series (the last game Jordan Pippen etc played together - the last game of the...
i've got lots of films copied onto CDs which are mostly avi files as well as some other formats. I'm playing them in Sasami2k and DivX (both the latest versions) but i'm having a few problems. after...
there was a Ford Summertime Special compilation tape from 1985 or around that time which was sent out to owners of a Ford car at the time...can anyone tell me the songs on it - especially a ska song...
i've copied some video files onto CD and playing them in DivX. Having problems with some of them in that they crash my system at various intervals. Even Ctrl+Alt+Del fails sometimes...occassional...
I'm trying to play avi's and other video files in DivX, Media Player and Sasami but each time the file crashes after a few minutes and then won't open again...can anyone help me on this?
i've been a naughty boy and copied 1 or 2 DVDs onto CD and playing them in DivX. Having problems with some of them in that they crash my system at various intervals. Even Ctrl+Alt+Del fails...