My cousins girlfriend is due to give birth what would that make me to the child? Some far out uncle or cousin? Family trees are so confusing!
When Jack Sparrow first appears in Governor Weatherby Swanns village, he talks to 2 guards about the Black Pearl and they get into an argument whether it is real or not, while Jack slips away. But...
Wondering if anyone could give me thier opinion on this? Why do women especially find an Irish accent such an endearing quality? What is it about Irish accents?
A while ago there was a BBC promtion featuring David Belle jumping from building to building in London. What is the sport called, and if im not mistaken i thought there was a TV programme about it on...
OK ok this isnt really a TV question but i couldnt think of where to put do the licensing people know if your paying or not? I mean ive never seen anyone knock at my door and say 'S'cuse me,...
In the introduction when the woman explains how all the characters are played by instruments, when Peters part gets played by the strings, which piece of music is played?
Theres a Sky TV promo, its tagline being 'Television is yhe window to the world - you have best view'. Through the advert theres a poem, does anyone know what it is? I think the first line goes 'From...