9a) small amount in a recipe (13) t?b?a???o???l
6d) Barred (to a designated group) (3-6 ) O??/???i?s
4d) Rascally, wickedly. Playful (6) I???s?
17d) of an earlier times 9 6) ?o?m?r...
3d) Instigator of a military assault (8) a?t?c?e?
13d) more aloof (8) ?r?s?i?r
Sunday MAil
24a) Cleans pews must be returned around 4th November (5) s???p...
1) One that's close is remembered (5) m?s?? 2) stand near Bishop (4) ???? OVERLAPS each clue contains a definition of the answer as usual but also a letter mix of the answer straddling more than one...