would appreciate three confirms or otherwise 1ac Crazy report on cannabis (8) ?R???P?T is it CRACKPOT 3d Happy to accept sibling who is compatible (10) ??N??S?E?T is it CONDESCENT 8d Weigh heavily on...
so it's been almost two months now that i have completely altered the way i go about my days. I have been so determined to lose these extra thirty pounds i have put on in the past year. I went from...
14a Top copy given incorrect mark 4 ?p?? is it spot 2d List of charges for sailor provided with figurehead 6 t?r?t? 4d Travel writer producing article on fraternal restaurateur? 7 t?e?s?? 3d Scottish...
Can you help? Repeat in the choir (4) ???? Saw a number performing (5) ??e?n Drink makes socialistomplain audibly (3,4) ??t ?i?e Writer fixed stair first (8) S?????s? Poet gives fuel report to bank...
Just two to go, help please. 27a Book handily obscures Salman's opening inside:?s?l??. 14d Boozing put out one's hip (second time): o? t?e ?i??. Grateful as ever for your assistance.
Can you help me with clues for the following please? all the answers contain est 26 European capital used in a song by Jethro Tull 36 Which natural non combustible silicate was used by the ancient...
ok then, I'm not the smartest choclate in the box when it comes to science but exactly how does (the theory of) gravity work? From my (limited) understanding, if the world were to stop spinnining, we...
Struggling this week - senior moment perhaps - is 22 down bigger and why? - Less diminutive horse in nursery found in the final frame?(6) and 7 down - Lacking name ,Gates'sbaby loss adjusters? (6)
12D. What you need to know about an old group of singers.?E?U?R? Unsure if this is an anagram or not but sure one of the regular crossword experts can answer this one. Thanks in anticipation. Hoaroak
Hi. answer please to 5)across:- in front of lake,another old toy. (4) D?L? . I guess it must be DOLL but why. My apologies to whoever previosly answered this question , but Answerbank have apparently...