... the Austrians ever done for us? Given us ... Adolf Hitler. The bloke who locked his daughter in the cellar. Antifreeze in their wine. A fascist government. "I'll be back" as their most enduring...
An old, blind cowboy wanders into an all-girl biker bar by mistake. > He finds his way to a bar stool and orders some coffee. > > After sitting there for a while, he yells to the waiter,...
Today, there are reports of the US killing three women and a baby in a tragic accident in Afghanstan. Earlier this week, 11 Pakistan border guards were killed by US forces. Which got me wondering, at...
A friend and I were watching the movie 'Sunshine' the other evening. My friend had missed the start so I had explained the story so far was that they were travelling to the sun and after a series of...
Thinking about school and doing those collage pictures i remember using the glue in the pot with the brush inside the lid. Copydex i think it was called. Nothing was nicer than picking it offf and...
...from Lisa's post. Phone mobile phone does everyone have? I have the Nokia 6300 http://www.ipmart.com/contents/products/22454/ extra_pic/Nokia%206300%20(2).jpg its the best phone ive ever had. Dont...
I said it once and I say it again, Big Brother has yet again proved that the black contestants are bullies and agressive people, with absolutely no intelligence or decorum whatsoever. First Charlie...
I have been reading some of the vilest most sickening comments i have ever seen on a website here this evening and i am disgusted by the language of that abdul character or whatever name he uses!...
my money is looking good considering i had money on holland as well, i know russia only beat england to qualify which is no big deal but still spain looking mighty good