I find it absolutly shocking that i still see adults smoking infront of there children when there in the same room as them, we all know how stupid this is, so whu do people still do it? Not only is it...
http://www.dailymail....-smoking-Britain.html Will this make a blind bit of difference? I cant remember packets of cigarettes with child friendly packs, caroon characters and little puzzles on the...
Yesterday was the first day in nearly 50 years when I went without fags and alchohol. Nothing to do with health issues but I have decided that over £100 per week could be spent on better things....
With apologies to our Irish readers... but this is a good 'un, from my local paper this week: During a recent password audit at the Bank of Ireland, it was found that Paddy O'Toole was using the...
It's monday and it's cold out there. so I'm stating in! Well, until I've got to go out anyway!:-) Andy Murry did his best, but when you are up against the best tennis player there has ever been you...
Is there any evidence to suggest that the west made the Third World addicted to cigarettes in a imperialistic attempt to gain capital? The Turks for example were smoking the hubbly bubbly well before...
I went to a meet & greet event this weekend which turned out to be a rip off as only 4 out of the 10 advertised names appeared. The promoter cited immigration issues as to the reason why they...
Am I missing anything??? Adverts, repeats, phoney soap operas, news at ten??? Or shall I stick with my radio, books, cd's that I havnt heard in years, spending time with my kids and enjoying my...
The moon is shining bright, the air is crisp, and another fine day in store, I am getting ready for work but best of all I have beaten WBM to the early morning thread, having a lie in then WBM? Have a...
The weekend is here! The moon is shining like a big, bright half crown and Mars is puttinmg on a good show, the brightest I've seen it for a long time. We had a sprinkling of the white stuff during...