Uranus is a lot bigger than most people think. It's much bigger than most other heavenly bodies. Uranus is impossible for man to reach. But a probe has been there. Uranus has been extensively...
I had a thread baned last night but what the point as I could easily post the same question to day and if you are band why is it that the person who bans you can stay anonymous
http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y233/PopplerQ ueen/Junk/FridayNightProject-20038.jpg can look at this pic all night without blinking and not get bored........ *drool........
Aww, crikey, my head is killing me. I've taken a couple of my big dose Spanish drugs, but they haven't kicked in yet. When I move, it feels like someone's hitting me on the back of the head. Hope you...
I have been issued an FPN for parking in front of a residential driveway. The driveway is no longer in use as the resident has enclosed the drive by erecting a fence and planted foilage. There are two...
by a couple passing the house at around two in the morning. There was heavy fog & they had a baby in a buggy with them! They were very emotional, screaming and shouting so loud at each other, the man...
Following on from the button mushroom in the "Farts" Q, let me share this one with you. A bloke I went to school with got married in the 1980's. On the morning of the wedding the groom & best man went...
Hello, I am getting a baby tortoise for my fella this weekend for his birthday, I know everything about them apart from one thing...what do they like to sleep in/on???
A guy was walking passed a travel agency when he spotted a sign in the window...2week Med Cruise ?10....He went in and asked....Is that right 2week Med Cruise for ?10.....Yes that's correct said the...
First one up again am I? Having shared the breakfast toast with the cat I am now off to feed some more before I go in to work. Have a great day, see you all later XX