Does anybody know a manufacturer or website where a man can buy shorter than normal (27") lightweight track suit bottoms?. All the normal manufacturers make them in a length which is far too long...
I have laptop windows 7, talktalk broadband (wifi) and use google chrome as my main search engine. Every time I close down my laptop, when I reboot google chrome has changed and I have...
In view of the increased cost of postage, our hobby is going to be quite expensive in terms of postal entries. The Daily Mail has always indicated that a second class stamp is sufficient for their...
I am a 61 year old male with angina and C.O.P.D. quit ciggies 65 days ago and am 'smoke free' also started going to gym regularly. Have had itchy scalp for three weeks, doc prescribed betnovate scalp...
I have windows vista on my laptop and have windows media player + 'powercinema' installed. I downloaded a film from filestube for the first time yesterday (slow download 3hours) =...
Hi folks, I have been given a seg dvdr500 and have a toshiba non - digital t.v. I watched t.v. via a set top digibox, which is now broken. can I set up dvdr to t.v. and watch programmes? Every time i...
I tried to watch 'young soldiers' this morning on bbc three and it said I need to install flash player 10.1 or higher to watch. I already have this installed, and have not had this problem before when...
I am running windows vista on my laptop. I have WiFi and my provider is 'TalkTalk'. I downloaded Skype and created an acount. However, when I try to sign in I can't. Skype saying cannot connect. When...
Sorry folks I'm useless at maths. I have to submit a story to the O.U. creative writing course and am allowed 2,500 words (plus or minus 5%. ) So what does that leave me with as an upper word limit...
bit late with this folks! Two to get. 11 across computer programme 7 letters r??t??e 15 down simplified description of calculation 5 letters a?d?l Thanks Bob