Having seen the setter(s) I thought that this would be a real problem. Surprisingly, despite some tricky clues, it all fell into place quite quickly. I notice that these days they omit the instruction...
A pretty straightforward solve this week, as 6 or 8 cold solves revealed the likely method of entry. But, a well constructed puzzle, and a nice break after last week's brainbuster. Thank you Waterloo,...
Rapidly closing in on this having now got over two thirds of the grid filled, but not yet the thematic creation. I particularly liked 23D, but perhaps that's just me. A fun debut (I think). Many...
Much more fun for me this week, challenging but not daunting. It gets much easier once the theme is grasped, but the final straight line takes a bit of spotting. One of those which manages to be...
To save RR the bother, I will start the thread this week. I haven't finished yet, but with a full and fairly easy grid fill, that just leaves the usual preamble and whatever potential disaster is...
I'm delighted to see that there is, after all, a Listener this week, and glad I signed up to the on-line service as our local newsagent does not open on New Year's Day. It's a nice puzzle, but prompts...
Not finished yet, but I've got grid B, so I know two things already. There's an awful lot of pretty close to cold solving in Grid A, and I've got to get a bigger print out to have any kind of chance...
I have only just printed this off, and I am sure that it is going to be satisfying. But what do people think about having a whole puzzle set to one sort of clue? No apparent wordplay or logic. Any PDM...
Though there's another thread on on 4095, and I've contributed to it, this might help get the conversation started, though I suspect not a long one. There really isn't much to this (sorry Llig, and...
A much bigger challenge, I thought this week, with some very clever plays involved in creating the group members. Lots of lovely pennies dropping all the way through. I'd be interested to see how soon...
A very pleasant and enjoyable debut by Kevin. Some nice clues and a familiar theme which made me realise how quickly time passes. Possibly suitable for newcomers, but personally, I think that 32D is a...
Well, thank goodness we have a long weekend. I think I might need that to work out what the blazes the clues mean! I had one theory, but the rubric that all entries are different turned me towards a...
We have found the clues a step up in difficulty from previous ones and had to go to the Internet for the quotation. Certainly not a puzzle for newcomers this week!
My first listener from one of the Magpie team (talk about coincidences from last weeks magpie pitch). Obvious misprints made this fairly straightforward to start but tricky to finish. The theme...
Ploy gave us a relatively straightforward but interesting grid with "Signal Boxes" and it is the same this week. In fact there is more in the grid than needs to be highlighted. A very...
This is fun, possibly a good introduction to the Listener genre for newcomers, without compromising quality. There are still some words no-one could be expected to know out of there usual vocab, but...
At first the high proportion of short words is a bit daunting - but for the most part the clues are fair, even if in one instance a little vulgarity (in my and Chambers' opinion) creeps in. A good...
This week we have Hexes by Stick Insect. Very straighforward compared with last week's gem. I thought there was a little ambiguity with shading, which I took to be resolved by requiring symmetry in a...