8A. Leave sailor to reverse a difficult situation(7) ---T-A- 4D. It's oftenunused after the match (6,4) ---D-N,-A-E 22A. Turn against one splitting party from the beginning(2,4) -E,-O-O Explanations... ...
17D. Giving most, yet to be paid (9) B-----i-- 25A. Former PM's party to get second chief of staff (5,4) ----R,---- Explanation please Many thanks in advance
13A.US conducters have nothing to go on after this (4,5) -A--,T-A-N pretty sure it is train maybe wrong 24D. Build up a team for an audience (6) A---U- 27D. DisheartenedSri Lankan is bottom (4)... ...
11A. One close outside back of room for changing (8) sorry only have the 1st letter A------- 5A.China is forced to spend millions for defence (3-5) sorry only have 1st letter againP-- ----- 9A. Take... ...
10A. Taken from cover and shot (7) S-E---- 13A. Poet caught in difficult situation, pacifying gifts going round(9) ----O---S 27D Cobra seen by nursemaid after noon (4) N-I- Explanations please Many... ...
Found this one difficult. 1A . Is behind the barrier at york perhaps (6) T-A-L- think it is trails but not sure where the T is from. 8D. Salt: a minimum of it say, limits trouble (3,3) SEA,-O- sure... ...
12A. Head caught with a deposit (5) C---- 14A. What many Ascot gentlemanhave for somebody (3,6) T-P, ---S-N With explanation please Many thanks in advance
18A. Dumb to grab a bishop from the rear- what a clanger! (7) E-R-T-M We think it is ERRATUM but cannot see why Explanation please Many thanks in advance
3D. Guy had a good timeout of bounds (5) A---E 26 A. Colonnades in European designs (8) E-S-Y-E- 8A. Strict on cast this evening (5) T-G-- think it maybe tight but why? With explanations please Many... ...
19A. Bird or two under Cockney bay? (5,3) I can see eagle owl but what is it to do with Cockney or bay? 13D. Vast group will not finish day with traditional song (3,9) I can see sea shanty but... ...
16A. Pressure for Henry in search for a gamble (4) PUNT 29A. Express tears over one secret agent (7) SLEEPER Think these answers are correct but cannot see why. Please explain. Thank you in advance
1D.Very good wiseacre for big sporting occasion. (9) S-P-R-O-L Superbowl. sure this is the answer but why? 22.D Try melody without mike (5) Y-D-L Sure it is Yodel but again why? 23D. One four-letter... ...