27a Sounds like one 'ell of a cruise ships menu (8) ??O?T?N? 27d ...for an enticement at first look, by hook or by crook (4) ??I? (Teh first letter of 27D is also the first letter of... ...
2d Division leaders headed up non-profit private group to look after wildlife in the outback (5)..... D?N?O I believe the answer is DINGO but why? can't parse it? 11a Like Friends and... ...
4a Old robe worn by Muezzin when redecorating place to call faithful to prayer (7) ????E?T 9a Something which, when downloaded right, will finally tempt one to become a trainee (10) A?????T?C 11a... ...
Three questions left. I have tried Google etc but cannot find the answers as follows:- 26. In February, what did the Church of England say it was considering to meet its net-zero carbond targets? A.... ...
1d A little munchie for the horsey? Nay, 'tis just a cliche! (8) ?H?????? 54a Apprehension amongst the naughty on his arrival at Advent (7) K??????? - could it be Kringle but why? 29/60a Likewise,... ...
33a Sounds like Cooper might use it as he tots up his day's takings (4) ?D?S ---- ADDS? But why? 22d Spring tide? At last that's what it sounds like. Especially in a leap year (5) B?U?? 50d Union... ...
12a As biblical tomes reveal how David did for Goliath (5) ?M???
2d ...as that instability true North and South disclose (6) ?N?E??
24d Paradoxically, Tom Cat's lap top's necessity (5) ?O?S?...
6d Notwithstanding Brexit, a British capitalist... (8) ?O?D???R ('D' may be wrong)
15a they gotta be cracked to chew off more than you can bite (4) ??T?...
6d They make frequent appearances in Phoenix, and in considerable numbers (9)
A?I?O?A?S I think its ARIZONANS but can't parse it?
17a The Sign of the Cross? (4) ?L?S...
22a First half of Polish class involves cooking seafood (8) ??A???T? 28a During filming - e.g. a sequence from House Guests - move seamlessly from one scene to another. (5) S???E 19d Being in highest...
23a Means to carbon-date section of Bible? (5) ?G??? (last letter may be D from DISCOVERED below) 11d Underworld prisoner given shelter from Gloucester's winter (10) D?S?O?E??? .........is it...