Happy saturday people,,just had a thought about this volcanic ash and whether or not it contains carbon and if so are the amounts worse than the so called man made levels we supposedly produce. Also...
There are rumours on another site that the Americans have nuked Iran. The Icelandic volcano is a cover story. They are usually spot on. What do you make of it all?
have my lawn mowed? I have a bad back at the moment but need my lawn to be cut? I was going to ask my paper boy or a friends son/daughter but not sure what I should offer. The lawn is about 30f x...
When air space was shut after 9/11 it was reported that there was a measureable increase in solar radiation reaching the ground due to the lack of aircraft contrails which apparently acted as clouds...
how do you go on about making and creating candles of all shapes, sizes and designs, is there some sort of course you do, or can you buy a kit and start making them. thanks
Morning all :) Presuming 90% have some knowledge about all flights in the UK suspended due to volcanic ash. It was yesterday planned to resume fights starting 7am this morning however just heard on...
Yesterday i sent back my boy's computer which i bought on ebay a couple of weeks ago, when i bought it i collected it because of the weight p+p was expensive, anyway it was faulty so i put in a...
I have just returned to work after being off for 18 months with a high anxiety disorder and depression with post traumatic stress. This is the second stab at my successfully returning to work. I have...
Has anyone else noticed the amount of earthquakes/volcano eruptions that have been occurring lately? Is it just me or do they seem to be getting very frequent. I wouldn't usually be into hocus pocus...
I think I'm older than any other contributors to this site and I've seen all the governments since Churchill's wartime group. Each successive government has got softer, more lenient and more...
My new neighbours have wasted no time in making a nuisance of themselves. Yesterday, while I was in the garden, without warning my neighbour threw a bucket of water at me, and ran back indoors. The...
Last tax year 2009/2010 I only worked until 1st June 2009 , I payed over £700 tax but only earned around £6000 , I should be due a tax refund. Do I get this automatically or do I have to...
On one of her recent series, Jordan had two bulldog-type dogs, which always looked very unhappy. No-one seemed to show them any affection or take them for walks. What became of them ?
when i was little, not that long ago, i could happily munch on a stick of celery with little peeling off of the the string, but now, you have to hack half the stick away to get the string off, then...