I think that we are in Shropshire and that the first hill is the Wrenkin, but having problems with the Hill fort. Is it Caradoc Hill or one of the Burfs. Any help would be appreciated. Jane
Shouldn't a university education only be offered to the most academically able students? For example, how can someone who only obtained a poor A-Level grade in a subject be expected to study that...
I've had a search for a 'Desktop Calendar' (PC type thingy, not a paper one) and I haven't found anything that fits my idea of one, so am wondering if I have been searching for the wrong thing. (A...
my pc will not load it just gives a long beep (about 2 seconds maybe a bit less) then a pause of about 4 seconds then the same beep. This cycle just repeats continuously.
has anyone heard of a device that i can plug into my tv in the bedroom and it will pick up the sky programmes that are being watched on the main tv downstairs.
how often is your rubbish bin emptied by the council? I mean the general waste, not the recyclable stuff. And what county do you live in? Ours is once a fortnight - lancashire
15 Across - has the paper got it wrong - Airey, conservative MP killed by bomb, answer Nieve - but the answer doesn't fit - it does if it is spelled Neive!!
I would like to do the ECDL course from home as there is not a college nearby that does the course. Is it expensive to do this course and how would i do the exams? TIA