Is anyone surprised that the gender wage gap is still an issue in 2006? The discrimination in the workplace means not only are some women pushed into the lowest-paid jobs, but those who are qualified...
I've read the reports and the supposed reasoning behind this 'peaceful demonstration'.Tell that to ordinary people who were caught up in it. This was never going to be a peaceful demo - why else seek...
If a civil war did break out in Iraq, what position do you suppose our troops would take?, I know what we would like, bring them back, but I can't see that happening. Your thoughts on this please,...
DH had his nose broken on Saturday playing rugby. The swelling has begun to settle down now and it resembles Stephen Fry's bendy nose!! He hasn't been the drs yet and he isn't at all keen on surgery -...
After a friend who has many people who loved him killed himself (he suffered with bipolar), I started to get pangs of doubt. Then I went through crisis after crisis, another friend died from a brain...
We are all aware of the European press claiming the right of 'free speech' during the recent fracas over the publication of cartoons depicting the prophet, Mohammed, yet the historian David Irving may...
I am currently working full time and at the mo cannot afford to go back to uni - i am trying to study law - can anyone help with online courses that are resonable and can be done in your own time - i...
No really... Sorry to be disgusting but my nose was pouring blood inside and even outside when it happened yesterday evening, what i want to know is how can i stop the bleeding!!?? Its not pouring now...
I need some tips for pushing myself that extra mile in the gym. How do people get past that pain barrier. When I am doing the first bit of my cardio, to keep me going I imagine (this is gonna make me...
What would you think if the existence of god and jesus was ever proven beyond all doubt? I don't know how, but say it was something that banished all doubt once and for all.How would you feel?...
Hi, could somebody please tell me the meaning or 'moral' behind the parable of Jesus turning water into wine. Also why did he choose to teach in this way? Thank you
It has been stated that the goverment would like to make the I.D.CARD. compulsory by 2011. With the cost of these cards going to be approx ?100, How do the goverment intend to extract payment from...
OK OK I know this is going to make me sound stupid, but what exactly do these people actually want?? Why are the terrorists so keen on murdering us? If they hate us so much why do they live in Britain...
Does anybody here think the Muslim cartoons should have been published but that this: Should not? Before you click this is the poem that resulted in Gay News...
As a human being I find this highly offensive:- "An Iranian paper is holding a contest for cartoons about the Holocaust, to retaliate against the publication of images of the Prophet Muhammad." (BBC)...