1a Fish caught by bore (4) ??T? 10a Narrative about large town abridged (5) ??C?? 18d Served up bad duck and fruit (5) ??i?? 15a Tons eaten by male deer around large valley (6) ???A?? Thanks in... ...
part five clues or answers link to drinks 2. Cider not moving 8 18. small cockburn's 10 21. serves pear cider we hear 5,4 23. the value of a small barrel 8 24. fool,juniper drink not back 9
1. Capital loses a letter then grows (7,7) 2.queens Christmas special was when (4) 3. Finish with a tiny bit (6) 4. Scottish whiskey (5) Think no. 4 might be grouse but not sure. Thanks in advance for... ...
Still struggling! Help please 1d Critically, rambling in response. 11 letters ???r???n??? 15a Star playing notable Gallic part. 5 letters ????a 16a A sea around or ahead of a ship. 5 letters ... ...
All answers are school related. EG Q. first we are following a backward taxi. A. abacus Q. Lounge around in Brazil Q. Delta on a river Q. Isle of Man races in a bovine sound