Please give me a hint but not the answer. 7d Well, well, Corbyn! Eu's upset with Anne hogging energy (8,8,5). Is it an anagram and if so do I want a phrase meaning energy or well and what is the...
only 6 left but still can't get any into grid so
1800s house or old city? (4,4)
starts H, prob HH
Uplifting piece about human spirit, somewhere in Eastern Europe (6)
starts K...
Can't figure out 3 down: 3D Henry's climbing down over style (4) I have D?S?. Could be DASH - as in cut a dash = style; HS could be H(enry)S climbing (going up) with D(own) over it but that leaves the...
Help with 18d appreciated: TV animation artist close to pen (8) I have S?I?G?A? - so assume it's STINGRAY (defn TV animation; artist = STING but don't see how RAY = close to pen.) At one point I was...
help please 20a tke care of blair-end's gone quiet 7 ???R??? 22a things from the sewer f*** Sun-let's split 9 ?????E??? 26a oldies might well have been pushed around courtesy of this city...
I've entered all the solutions as I see them but still puzzled by the rubric - "Solutions to four across and four down clues require a letter to be changed before entry in the grid. All these eight...
I've entered all the solutions as I see them but still puzzled by the rubric - "Solutions to four across and four down clues require a letter to be changed before entry in the grid. All these eight...
Posted this late last night so, it has now disappeared into the void. Can any Geniusers help me with the last clue. All done except deciding which particular work for the long clue. Victory? Pastoral?...