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Good morning everyone - another lovely Autumn day here, with bright sunshine after a very cold night ...I love it, I love it !!! Can't say quite the same about the links ... the dreaded colours have...
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Good morning everyone - and it's a lovely one here today, very cold night but the day is just gorgeous, clear and sunny .....hoping it will bring my bulbs along. On the other hand, the links aren't...
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Good morning everyone - well the long awaited rain has arrived ... tooo bad about getting the washing dried and keeping the dogs' feet clean !! These are but trifling matters when you see the dams...
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Good morning everyone - well I say Good, but I'm beginning to have second thoughts !! I have a very nasty feeling that along with a load of sheets and pillow cases, my brand new pair of glasses [in...
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My 18 month old I-Pad Air seems to be losing its charge quickly and it is quite warm when on charge. I think the battery life should be more than 18 months and I cannot explain the heat when charging,...
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Good morning everyone - rather on the cold and wet side today, typical Anzac Day weather, hope the day brightens up later for all the reunions. And on the KM site - well there's something to think...
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Good morning everyone - grey and overcast, with just a hint of rain, been like that for the past couple of days ... not a lot, but the garden's had a good drink so that's a starter !! I'm making no...
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I have a bowel virus and have been prescribed Lansoprazol ,Amoxicillin and Clarithromycin.Tonight is the 5th night of a 7 day course.I will be 80 this month and for the last 4 nights I have not been...
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Good morning everyone and a very Happy Easter to All - and so far the weekend has been sunny and clear so we just keep our fingers crossed for it to stay that way. Now what do we have to start off a...
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Good morning everyone - nice and sunny here after some very indifferent weather....cooler nights meant the bedsocks have come out of storage so I guess the winter weather's not far away. Ok what have...
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Good morning everyone - lovely sunny day here so I'm out in the garden doing some bits and pieces, tomorrow is going to be hot, then we hopefully get some rain about changeable !! Now what...
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Good morning everyone - sunny and warm here, with the promise of more to come next week, but the nights are getting cooler and the early mornings could best be described as brisk ... my favourite time...
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Good morning everyone - gosh, a new month already - I hate to say it but this year's flying along too, just like the past few, several, lots !! Later this month I'll have been with Ab for 9 years...
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Good morning everyone - a better weekend this time around, but we all survived the very hot day, the driving and the lunch, lovely to have the family around for celebrations and now its back to...
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Good morning everyone - short and sweet from me today, I'm on my way out for birthday lunch and thank goodness for my iPad. Four interesting links for us, how many possibles would go with these -...
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Good morning everyone - I'd better get this typed and underway before I turn into a large puddle of goo's hot and V V humid so far, but the catastrophic fire warnings will be ok as the...
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Good morning everyone - Oh dear, it's hot and it's only going to get worse or so they say .....heading for a couple of 39's next week ....sitting in the icebox for me !! Ok now for the links - EARL...
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Good morning everyone - cool and overcast again today ....something has happened to Summer !! Not that I'm complaining, its amazing how much I get done when the weather is like this ...come Spring,...
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Good morning all - sunny and mild here for all the cyclists tearing around my neck of the woods and for all the keen souls cheering them on - I'm staying well out of the action till it's all over !!...
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Good morning everyone - cool and a little overcast here but it promises to get a whole lot hotter early next week ...oh JOY !!!! I'll be organising the salads so there'll be no hot kitchen for the...

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