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At what age should a child be able to count to 10?
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I know you can't use "adult" instant gravy granules for baby due to salt content etc. but can you buy special gravy for babies? Any help would be great. I work full time with a 5...
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rob bas
my friend is pregnant and wanting to find unusual boys & girls names.
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My husband and I can no longer live with each other. He treats me so badly I can't believe I've put up with him for 10 years but now my eyes are opened and I can see him for what he is. I'm not...
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Are there any swimming teachers out there that can help please? My daughter is 7 and has been in the starter class for two years. When she first started she wouldn't let go of the side and now she can...
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I would like to purchase a high chair for my 3 month old baby.( He always seems to be awake when we are having dinner.). does anyone know of any chairs i could use.
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my daughter is almost 18 months and the thing is: she screams a looooot , she wouldn't stop whatsoever. I don't know what to do with her anymore. Please help me cuz this is getting really bad.
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Hi,My two and a half year old daughter started having problems with constipation some six months ago,she has seen a GP and a Specialist in these matters and both suggest the usual lacsotive and...
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we want to take the kids for a day out on friday. is there anywhere in the north west of england that would amuse a 2, 4 and 12 year old? Does such a place exist anywhere?
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I have daughters, 8,6,4 & 2. Since eldest went to school have had several cases of headlice, cured by either wet combing or an electronic headlice comb. But, 6 yr old has very curly hair and it is...

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