Little girl coming home from a day out with her grandparents. “Daddy, I saw a steamer in the harbour today!” “That’s nice, sweetheart.” says her Dad, “Was it a big one?” ”It was huge.” she replied. “A...
A proper English gentleman met a beautiful girl and agreed to spend the night with her for £500. So they did. Before he left, he told her that he did not have any cash with him, but that he would have...
how is everyone feeling about the upcoming cancilation of neighbours? can't say I'm thrilled, I liked to watch that and home and away after one another. hoping I can still find a way to watch it, but...
what's with the hour long episode of emmerdale tonight? I read that it was because of "skedule changes", but I thought the skedule change was that emmerdale was moving to 7 30, and cori was moving to...
hi all. my question involves complaining about an NHS service case in point: a local mental health team that have really let me down. without going in to to much detail, some of the things they have...
anyone really looking forward to the new series of this starting saturday?
I honestly can't wait. I have been watching this since.. well forever.
I love ant and dec, and especially undercover...
I am having some issues with playing back a particular cd I have checked the disk thoroughly, and it doesn't seem to be scratched. I have cleaned it for good measure, but I am still having some issues...
can anyone tell me the name of this peace of music in the following youtube video?
(the video's quite soothing to watch, too!)
is anyone having issues with alexa today
I am finding multiple skills, and multiple actions don't seem to be working- either not at all, or only partially
anyone else?...
I have always been curious about this: is the music on ITV their own, or is it well-known and commercially out their? the music I am refering to is the music used during the programme announcements...
what advent calendar does everyone have this year
for a 4th year in a row, I have lint (you'd think I'd be sick of all the chocolate balls, lol) but I love lint. it's good chocolate...
what does everyone think about the new abba album, voyage?
I just got a copy of it and I don't think it's too bad
maybe not as good as some of their older stuff though...
it's a riddle as part of a game I am trying to do on alexa. 2769 1 is 3 3 is 5, 5 is 4, 4 is the magic number it also says, hundred is 7 all I know, is at the end, I'm meant to have a 4 digit code...
hello all. does anyone know of a free website where I can send ecards? I know of punchbowl and jaquie lawson, but as far as I can gather, the only things free about those sites are the newsletters. I...