Please help with the following:- 10 across Ride party arranged boarded by quiet short-term visitor (3,7) ?A?/??????? 15 across. Financial prudence shown by good people a consoling factor (6,5) Sorry,...
Just 3 left now ,please can you help,all are body parts inside & out. 30 The Prince's pal? (5) 36 This isn't the right place to pray (5) 66 Can you Adam And Eve it-"is watch is a bit slow" (5) Thanks...
Answers involve or suggest movement. 33. Judicially, when a 'u' turn may not be a 'u' turn! 5, 5, 4 48. Shows anger - but helps to deliver the goods. 6 100. Our Christmas wish for all our quizzers who...
4d) Diplomatic in court dividing fault roughly (7) 8d) Used additional bit of help (6-4) 11a) Not entirely risky acquiring horse for old coach (9) 12a) Drama of fine end-of-series deciders (4-4) 19d)...
re. recent weather quiz. "From William mild protest re ice encasement". Answer is apparently AMMIL, an obscure Dartmoor phenomenon. Vide Google!! but unknown to any reference source I had! We all...
In the wee small hours it occurred to me that a "small protest" could be a demonstration abbreviated to "demo". Encased in ice is "GLACE" (with an acute accent) so I looked up "demo-glace". Google...
Sorry, in my enthusiasm loaded one question with wrong letters 20. From William mild protest re ice encasement ( 5 ) Not 6 as shown before Only other remaining is 91. Land's End recalled king's issue...
Thanks to all who have helped so far, amazing what R.O.C. and flying dancers know! Only ones left include a new question after needing to re-work a previous weak answer. 20. From William mild protest...
3. Binge before the witching hour ushers this in. ( 8, 8) 17. In some circles socially useful. ( 10 ) 60. Model girl's prime asset. ( 8, 4) 72. Requires "spectacular" cleaning?. (4, 10 ) 76. Initial...