16a It's a pleasure to have touched base finally with plastic surgeon Zoe outside Ontario (9,4) 8a Attlee's chief whips secured crude oil for "Fortress city" 20d "Skirt half concealed by belly on...
1d Don't forget some luggage and start action (10, three words) b?i?????s? 34a half-time-set-back is multiplied (5) times? 9d goes out with Connor and paisley (4) s?e? 6d Serial set keeled over...
1a Sweep - but not sooty (5) ?r??? 28d Fate of harbour uprising in leaderless country (7) a????os 11a Bus system can make compound from indigo (6) 3d Tragedian's not unknown to accept thanks. Capital!...
16a Silent actor, grand Harpo funny to copy (10) 35a Simple poem, husband gives Welshwoman (8) First M 5d Les Six (not Dix) composed in keys (5) Many thanks
26a Administered by whips a great deal (8) ???h???s 17d Stuck up sports body wants half of TV partnership - one for the City (7) 21d To enter more fimly is an attribute of group relations (3,2) Many...
52a Honours comittee ultiamtely in need of slimming down (5) ??e?e 42a What'll show resistance in short term, led by gracious Madame (8) o???e?e? 47d Nothing favoured head for the target 94,2) ?e?? ?n...
42d Female toff is successfull (4,4) ?o??e?l (does well?) 48a Tick you found in blue dog (7) ??m???d 36d Actress bringing work units face to face over crime (5,6) g???r ?a?S?n 35d Each second in...
each clue contains a definition and a hidden consecutive jumble of the light including one extra letter 39a John Bull in a rhyme (6) First U 17a Lassos cheetah as it runs (6) ?i?ta? 24d we see nuts...
"each clue contains a definition and a hidden jumble of the light including one extra letter" 22a Kind of concrete mixer - parts cannibalised (7) 30a Chase Rockers, Mods beware (6) 6d High spirits...
4d Blowing her top, Cherie in retreat 94) ?a?? 11a What could be ordered as Chanel starts to really underperform? (8) ??l?u?c? 22d Dogs wanting a pee? A lot! (6) o???e? 16a Wesley say, someone...