79 a most cunning ......7 letters ......i have _ i_ i _ s _......may have gone wrong somewhere,,,,103 d commit to memory ,,,5 letters _ e_ r _ ,,,,last 2 .....thank you...
23d,became tattered,?r???d,48a,malign supernatural being,4,6,???l,???r?t,49d,way of thinking,??g?????t,67a,provoke to anger,????r?a??52d,ragtime music group,4,4,?i??,?a?d
gone wrong somewhere and need some help please ,,,,i have enter for 30d,,,,,and stink for 40 d but i cant get 39a ...4 letters pack away ...thought it might be stow ,,,,,,help .....
Help needed with these clues Many thanks
1a misused (6) ?a?t?d
59d Expressing disapproval (7) t?t??ng
16d The Spanish king's daughter in a fiat?Ann gets excited (7) i?f?n?a
I am only too happy to help with questions if I bright and/or quick enough. I do find that it is moor awkward if the correct question number isn't given just 1,2,3 etc What do others think? I don't...
12 down ,,,3 letters a _ d ...along with a drop of brandy.....came up with and or add ......but cant make any sense of it ....thank you for any help .....
What do I need to do with an Iris that has not had any flowers on it this year? ...and.... How do I know when my winter flowering pansies have had enough? They are still flowering profusely but surely...
can't get last answer to clue 91 across 7 letters ......i have _ i _ t _ e _ .....clue ,,someone who gives up easily,,,, been trying all day so i haven't really given up on it ....thanks for any help...