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I ask this Q on behalf of a friend She's been married 23 years. Has recently seperated. has three kids (one in school, one in college, one in uni) They plan to divorce only in about 2 years (I think...
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what the difference between ham and gammon? I'd like to cook a roast (ham or gammon) to serve Xmas day for 6. Whats a good size? Whats a good method of cooking. I think I might cook it the day before...
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OK i am a lightweight.... a few glasses of wine (ok only sad 2 be piddled already!) I need to go to bed ... or at te very least downstairs to get a refill ) g'nite ase i fall asleep...
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4 me it's Jack dee, ricky gervais or Russel (4get his surname! - he is the skinny blonde guy on mock the week).
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we want 2 buy a "games compendium" 4 our wii. tradiional games like tiddlywinks, chess, monopoly, chequers etc.... anyone know any wii game that would do?
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went to mecca bingo with some mates. 1st time ever. what alot of fun.
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I presume her and her siblings are now in care? does anyone know if they've been kept together? Are they with family members? Are they in seperate foster homes?
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I was sent on a course today it should've finished at 3:30pm but finished at 1pm so I am back home already. Really I feel guilty as I "Oughta" go back into work for those last 2 and half...
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How long must a call centre (insurance) legally keep recorded conversation? We're in a wangle with em as they say we verbally cancelled motor vehicle insurance - we say we didn't and want a...
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my wardrobe is overflowing. I need to have a clearout but dont know where to start! other than the obvious of things that don't fit what other tips do you have? everytime i start I thik 2can't bear to...
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i am roasting a leg of lamb (deboned) about 1.144 kg what should the core temp be once done (medium)
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is it the primary care trust? orare they independant contractors to the nhs?
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mine was frogs legs.....yeugh!!
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i've just logged onto AB for the first time in a while and i MUST apologise to PUDDI - i tried to give advice (re: cooking roast beef) to another member and said that the advice had been passed to me...
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Is there an online site to find out the demographic of an area. ie: what the average age is, average employment status, average wage etc? i've had a look using the site but it's from a 2001...
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why cant you freeze food that has onion in it (or is this an old wives tale?) does it affect the taste? Is it poisenous?
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my husband snores. BADLY. any ideas of an anti snoring device that WORKS? (besides holding a pillow over his face until he stops breathing :-)
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Why is it that people think it is bad manners to tell someone they are too fat / or have put on heaps of weight. (and it IS bad manners indeed!) BUT... those same folk dont think a thing of telling a...
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Anyone used one of the (many) collagen enhanced wrinkle filler- in -errs? If so do they work for light wrinkles.... PS - now no jokes about poly filler / cement etc...though I know the jokes are many...
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it's diwali soon isn't it? Whats the traditions / symbolism behind it?

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