1)The Holly And The Ivy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Oh Ena and the CB When they are both full grown Of all the nuts that are in the wood ttfn bears the crown O the drinking of the cognac (Too snooty to sup...
What was the biggest news story of the year? The one that you'll remember 2010 for? The visit of the Pope? Willliam and Kates's engagement announcement? Haiti earthquake? The student riots? The World...
Recently a neighbor has started having showers and when he comes out he dries himself in the curtainless window clearly where the whole street can see him. This has only started when a couple of young...
All i have seen this morning is tight fisted Victor Meldrews squeezing petrol pump hoses to get out the last drop. People worrying that things are worse at sea And worst of all Christmas haters galore...
I can do no better than the winner of the Uniiversity of Arkansas competition to answer the above question: "Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and...
http://www.express.co...our-for-Bruce-Forsyth Like him or loath him, agree or disagree on who should receive honours. But the question I wish to put is, 'Why hasn't Bruce Forsyth ever been made a Sir?...
I'm sure some of you must know some of the suspect scumbags in these mugshots? Well, get on with it and do your Christmas civic duty, pick up the phone and bubble them to the long arm of the law! I...
Over the past couple of weeks 3 of my questions in the News section have not been accepted. They are rejected within a few seconds of hitting the Submit button therefore was no time for any...
Is there a reason behind the difference in the way these two stories are reported?
and if so - why?...
There are always lots of threads about ... ... which is the "Best Christmas Song" Maybe this year, we should look out for the best of the "Best Christmas Songs" threads. (ps. the...
Their back garden fence joins mine and about 6 months ago a fully grown Rottweiler appeared on the scene. They have built a small paddock (no roof) at the end of their garden and during the summer due...
Did you see the Royal Variety last night ,brilliant entertainment ,I thought Micky Flaneggan was superb.Michael Mc Intyre was really good as well and his skit about the X Factor was sublime Cheryl...