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I am looking for one of those clothes propper - you know when you hang your clothes up in the back with the big long stick that heightens the clothes. Argos won't respond. ta
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When they tell you the gender of the baby, how accurate are they? My friend went for her scan and she was told the sex when she asked. She said to the lady are you sure its that, the lady said yes....
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This time of the year,every year I've had her...Sally becomes scared and anxious about going out at dusk. Tonight I had to coax her down the stairs so I could put her lead on. Then,once out,she would...
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1) Do you always buy the same brand toilet roll or just what's cheapest? 2) do you use mouth wash after brushing your teeth (if you have teeth)? 3) do you prefer a shower or a bath at night? 4) do you...
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A council is planning to introduce this, according to a report on the wireless this morning. It may be OK in the cold of Winter but in the Summer heat won't there be a health risk apart from the...
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My little girl is nearly 3, she has been at preschool nearly a year doing 2 mornings a week. We have the usual clingy phase now and then but sometimes she doesn't seem keen to play with others often...
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a few weeks ago I posted a question which led to replies that I should perhaps consider going self employed (as a painter and decorator) I am a P&D by trade but as I now have back pain issues (for...
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Just wondering, as granddaughters friends 11 and 10 years have lost both their parents at separate times to motorcycle accident. Out of 3 grandparents 1 is unable to look after them, 1 has moved in...
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Have been out the back tidying up the veg patch and getting rid of what is obviously done with for this year. I am sure it has it so much warmer in the last hour or so. Have you noticed this where you...
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I was looking at some family photographs and noticed a remarkable resemblance between my brother and one of his nephews. The thought struck me, why aren't all family members more alike in looks? For...
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Does anyone have a cream cheese icing recipe? The one I've been using always ends up runny, I add more icing sugar and its stiffer but far too sweet. Cheers...
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That's what we're having tonight, with a side of peas, been looking forward to it all day :) What are you having?...
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Hi folks could do with some help. Daughter is getting married and decorating her reception with paper lanterns to cover 40 meter squared, we could do with help on roughly how many she needs. They will...
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About to start toilet training my little girl who is 2.5... Any helpful suggestions or tips? I've heard some people complete this in a week and other people say you can't teach a toddler bladder...
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My sister's renewal came for her cat and had gone up 5 pounds to 28 pound a month. She decided to do it in her partners name, same cat, same post code and she got it for 16 pounds! What a con!!...
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dont think 2nd marriage will last, the way she didnt look at him
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I have to entertain a visitor soon and want to get in a bottle of sweet wine. I don't drink but would greatly aappreciate your advice. Thank you....
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Every time I go out into the garden they descend upon me in hordes and I have to come in again. They're everywhere! Horrible! Is anyone else plagued with them and is there a deterrent?
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make it difficult to enter it? I can't find it, they have a page of non ITV competitions , am I missing something? thanks

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