pasta is ok mate trust me. i will be banned tomorrow but will be back on. i will quote the word from last tango in paris lol. dont go against pasta dude
I wonder what would happen if some of you people were put in a room together. Would there be a blood bath. I wonder if you would even speak to each other. Goodnight. Pleasant dreams to you allx
was a site for people to have a chat and discuss what ever needs discussing about whats going on in the world, interest, and news etc. It seems to be turning into a group of people who want to insult...
troll on here called gymrat . But you all say ignore the trolls but you all cant do it can you. I rest my case. So I suppose that this post will get pulled for telling the truth.
Have just had to put my 93 year old mum into a nursing home and it has just about broken me, feel so guilty that I can't look after her any more. Has anyone been through this and can you give me any...
I was giving the wife a cuddle this morning in bed just before we had to get up when she farted nearly blowing both my balls off. Do you think this is acceptable after 20 years of marriage aves-dumped-puppies-from-death-6323e80.html Why couldn't they take the pups to a RSPCA? IPoor wee things :(
To legend? Does anybody really know, as nothing seems to have been settled yet on his whereabouts or whether he still has an internect connection. The plot thickens!!
im about 8 weeks preganant.. i have no one to ask any questions to as im ont 17 and im not suppose to be pregnant!! im not getting rid of this baby cause that wud be wrong im going to have this...
Does anyone out there know where legend has gone. icey and pasta seem to be his forthcoming holiday chums , but where is he, At least the early hours shift could be quite interesting. 0/secondaryschools-schools The headteacher has resigned followed by the chair of the school's governing body in support of her, over this matter. The...