why when downloading pictures from my sd card do some already deleted previously downloaded pictures load onto my pc again......im confused any advice appreciated
why have all my busy lizzies died and rotted away as have many other gardens around...weve had much rain like everyone i suppose but no waterlogging...is it pests or just the rubbish summer and lack...
place the 8 white pawns on 8 white squares so that no 2 pawns appear in the same line horizontally vertically or diagonally......im told its possible...but ive got no hair left please help
42a colourles orange liqueur(9) 36d the practice of lending with excessive intrest rates (5) 37d eurasian musteline mammal related to the weasel(5) thanks in advance
25d parasitics evergreen shrub that lives in the top brances of old trees and reproduces naturally with the assistance of birds(9) m-s-l-t-- thanks in advance
calendar of a court with a list of pending cases.....is it decree................glass light chamber at the top of a lighthouse...is it lantern......are they that easy my last two...many thanks
busy lizzies are growing very poorly lots of tiny leaves and 1 or 2 spindly stems per plant is it nitrogen deficiency or another problem ,,,any help appreciated
how do i make a copy of a picture in the gallery in order to keep one and also send a copy to a friend...i want 2 of the same photo to burn onto a disc....done it before and have got a mental block...