1. if you had to eat cabbage or fig rolls for the rest of your life which would you choose 2. who would win a fight between orville and pingu 3. where did you buy your device for storing bread ie...
Apologies if my question appears twice! How tactile / demonstrative is your other half / partner? I love my husband very much, but if I had to wait for spontaneous affection, I would wait a long time!...
Now i am getting back to normal, i thought it would be nice to have some of that good old trivia. 1. what car do you drive? 2. how big are your feet? 3. have you ever eaten seafood and if yes did you...
after my other post about sex on a first date it raised this question in my mind. what would you /wouldnt you do for ?5000??? it appears many people on ab would indeed either pay that or accept it as...
I miss out on this as a day off from work as i do tues, wed and thurs, hard luck on me i spose... do you work on this day? if not what are your plans...
Does anybody know if there's a high street store that would sell a drill charger? I don't want to trapse all the way to Wickes or B&Q and the like as I don't drive! Thanks.
i've picked up a cold, but am really worried that i could be getting man flu. Could anyone tell me what man flu symptons are, and what would be the best remedy if i'm unlucky to catch it.
My kids both had henna tattoos on holiday two weeks ago. Hers faded away within a week, his almost faded then suddenly on sunday it blistered. Put savlon on it but has got worse so I am taking him to...
Apart from the sink and stove, what items of kitchen equipment would you replace immediately; or those you can now do without. e.g. Microwaves...Originally, I thought they were gimmicky, but would...
I'm not a really a sweet eater but when I was shopping there were some on the rack at the check out , so had no idea as to what they cost . So has the price of ingredients gone up ? or a captive...
Hiya - Does anyone have any idea what this means or the meaning of it?? Both mine and my partners mum's have always said it and when we've questioned them about the saying - they've admitted they...
ive already got one cockatiel which is a male, named "Ziggy." ive bought another as a mate for him (so obviously its a female) and am looking for ideas for what to call her. id like the two names to...
My hubby rang up on his way to the pub to say he had seen white dog poo - it was common when I was a kid but I assumed it was from the white westie at the end of the street! Any one know where its...