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I have managed to get hair dye on the white panelling around my bath and shower, has anyone any tips on how to get rid of it?
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Plugging Awa
I would like to change my alias on this site as it irritates me that the y of away is missing. (Obviously, I need to get out more!) When I tried I got a response about my e mail address already being...
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Why on earth does Christmas merit a special section on this site? Are we also going to have one for Easter, Ramadan, Divali etc etc etc?
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Call me old-fashioned, but does anyone else think that Christmas advertising, decorations, shop displays etc should all be banned until at least December 1st? I saw some shops with Christmas stuff in...
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Could you publish names of those who are banning people for no good reason?
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Why don't the Supermarket giants get together on the issue of reducing waste eg. plastic carrier bags in particular. To my thinking it would be very simple to make a drastic reduction of these...
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plankton drift. what aquatic organism swims or propels itself?
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Which 5 letter word can be: the heel of a sword blade, cards left in pack after dealing and the projection on a lock-bolt which a key presses?
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Why don't the Supermarket giants get together on the issue of reducing waste eg. plastic carrier bags in particular. To my thinking it would be very simple to make a drastic reduction of these...
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Are they cakes or biscuits as Tesco's have them in the cake section and Somerfield have them in with the biscuits? Please help as it's driving me crazy!!!!!!!
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Does anyone know if this has been withdrawn from shelves or is there a world shortage? Loads of Lazy Chillies, Lazy Ginger, but not a pot of Garlic to be had anywhere. It's just disappeared!
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Some months ago I made some raspberry, blackberry & blackcurrant syrup. The nearly full bottle has developed a couple of patches of mould on the surface in the past week. I'm reluctant to waste it so...
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can any one tell me where I can buy some mushroom brie haven't seen it for ages
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Did any see or have the recipe for Heston Blumenthal's long cooked steak shown on BBC2 this Tuesday just gone?
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Which French word is given to a person who avoids military conscription by obtaining a government job?
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what is the best way to clean your pvc windows sills
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Maybe this should be in 'shopping' but I wanted answers from foodies and not shoppers! I want to replace all my saucepans and need some sort of clue about what to look for. Should I go for a...
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Fellow ABer identified as Willow22 as taken it upon himself to post the same question multiple times. How can we stop him? Its causing as all great angst.
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Over 25 years ago I was given a chicken brick as a house warming present by one of my friends. It was a terracotta 'brick' ,sort of chicken shaped with a base & lid both same shape & size. You soaked...
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Me and my gf have just booked up to paris (new year) I am trying my best to book an italian restaruant on or near champs elysees (or however it goes) But were really struggling, as ive never been...

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