My wife (41) is permanently exhausted. We have a 6 month old baby and she is still on maternity leave. She gets plenty of sleep at night but can't stay awake during the day. She says she needs more...
how do you make mash? i know how to do it, i was just wondering what touches people add. i have a friend who adds sugar and rosemary. i like to crack an egg into mine before i mix it up. my flatmate...
my ex went into hiding with my do i find her.....i have no money for private investigators.....i only have her mobile number which she doesnt answer i last saw my son two years ago
A femail friend was interested in my career in the Army, so I was showing her some photo's I've had over the years, including some taken just days before I left, she remarked that she thought I looked...
Can anyone tell me the name of a white berry that can be eaten by a human? I am sure that there is one, but I can't think of it. All answers in the next few hours will be greatly appreciated.
Drizzle, Clouds, long dark winter days, bad food, crowded trains, polluted cities, binge drinking, yobs?This seems to be many countries impression of Britain. But this is a great country to live in...
I have just returned from a friends house and I tell ye, I am horrified. Literally horrified. Although CD's are not in the grand scheme of things expensive, they deserve respect and meticulous...
Some ABers seem to spend many of their waking hours trawling Youtube for some uproarious/twee/dodgy clips from Youtube in order to demonstrate their dedication in the small hours by sharing them with...
Well done!!! Here it is again. Ban away!!!! The SAB " Change It Back" petition. Ok, what have you done with it? 30+ names when i last looked yesterday and now, surprise surprise, it has gone! You can...
Ladies if you have one a/ how painful was it and are you happy with the result b/ does it show through clothes much? if you havent already guessed i'm thinking of having this doen but not sure (just...
Ive heard this so many times>> " Ive been slogging all day, Ive done three loads of washing and dried them and ironed it all" What a cop out!!! three loads of washing equates to about five...
Is this CD cabinet a work of art or complete tacky tatt? cophagus/dp/B000CQK250/ref=sr_1_31/202-3533361 -1433443?ie=UTF8&s=home-garden&qid=1179837459&...
i have never known such a huge reaction to something like this - it seems to be almost global, with everyone pulling together and making an effort - no matter how small. does this signal a change in...