I had the clear thought yesterday that God knows exactly what is going on. Climate change is just one way God is talking to us in these last days. It's time to get real, repent and be save by Jesus....
For the first time in a few weeks, I'm rather stuck.
I'm guessing the 15th century references are about the War of the Roses, but that's not getting me very far.
Alleuia. God 1 Satan 0
"Thine be the glory
Risen conquering Son
Endless is the victory
Thou o'er death hast won"
Happy Easter to you all. Whatever your faith is or isn't...
Do difficult times draw you closer to God or repel you from Him? People respond to tragedy in different ways, some turn to God and find some solace in Him, others are so angry or hurt they turn away...
Need a little help
1A Whizz outclasses those without hope of success (4,6) ----/C---D-
9A Jumpy soldier capturing Malta's city (5) ----A
Thanks in anticipation...
Nearly there but need help with a couple
10A Horse for one desperate to depart (8) T-T-----
7A Team's heading off court (4)----
Thanks in anticipation...