Did not want to be the first to post after that bombshell question, but some one has to. Does anyone think it is at all acceptable to post someones death on AB? if its a joke its not funny and if its...
My 15 year old daughter, at the weekend, met an old friend from her primary school whom she hadn't seen since leaving there 5 years ago. When I asked her what she was like now, my daughter told me she...
Did anyone see the story in todays Metro about an over weight dog called Rusty?
Health issues aside, is it just me, or does he look happier as a fatty?
just been reading about environmentalists who want to do away with carrier bags and get people to use their own bags, if you done your shopping and then forgot your bags and the store wasnt giving...
Just got up ,fed the cats washed the pots, now I'm sat having a cuppa, cats fast asleep in front of fire,I'm thinking to myself , I want to be a cat ,when and if theres a next life, what or who would...
So a book about 3 little pigs has been rejected from being given an award because "it may offend Muslims" (where have we heard that before) http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/education/7204635.s tm What next,...
Just had a local fireman at the door offering advice on smoke alarms, I feel faint and giddy!!!!! He can test my alarm anytime. Just a pity I am having a Hilda Ogden day! So do men in uniform do it...
This has got to be one of the cleverest I've received DORMITORY: When you rearrange the letters: DIRTY ROOM PRESBYTERIAN: When you rearrange the letters: BEST IN PRAYER ASTRONOMER: When you rearrange...
what i wanna know is how the hell she gets her hair like that? thats why tim burton chooses johnny depp for alot of stuff, cos he thinks that johnny looks like helena bohnam carter =]
Hi all. A mate of mine warned me in advance that she's having a themed birthday do this year in a month, cartoon characters! The only (remotely nice outfit ones) I can think of is Daphne from Scooby...
Tom jones anmd prince sang this song ? She wore white bikini in the jungle.- - lene klass ? American term for a donkey ? Lord nelson said kiss me _ _ _ _ _ ?