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How many gigs are there of information on the net on average
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I heard once that it would be possible to nuke the mars polar icecaps to melt them and spread water around the planet encouraging organism growth. Is there any truth to this or is it baloney? Anywhere...
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Anybody know anything about DNA who could tell me Could HIV be erradicated if we removed the protein reverse transcriptase? Has this already been tried or is it impossible? thank you
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Do french dubbers of hollywood films use the same french actors for certain hollywood stars from film to film? For example Is there a frenchman out there who specializes in Brad Pitts voice...
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Do actors sometimes have intercourse in love scenes?(obviously not refering to pornographic films)For example that scene in irreversible seemed quite authentic as regards to the...
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What would i do to download some plays from the internet?
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Does anyone know how this program s used to speed up edonkey?
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How many answerbankees are there? I'm wondering how large a playing-field these answers are comming from or is it largely from a few hacks? Thank yo!
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How do viruses ,represented as genes, invade cell to produce replicas of themselves? Thank you
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after I watched only the first 15 minutes of 'Dawn of the Dead' ,(the zombie movie Its very gory and jumpy and quiet well done), I stopped the film and continued some studying but I noticed an...
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In terms of earthworks what is the difference between 'Method' and 'End-Product' specifications? thank you
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Does anyone know where I can find public domain footage(i.e. non-copyright) of tidal waves for an educational documentary studying waves. This would help greatly. Thank you
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Does anyone else think that it would be quite easy for companies such as norton to put the viruses out there themselves and thus profit from it?
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How might one be caught then illegally downloading music,films etc...?
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I've been using this for a while and I'm wondering does it fill your computer with spyware? If so how can u detect or eliminate the problem(for free preferably)?thank you.
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I know this question is probably done to death but here goes. Is it illegal to download music and videos etc for free or is it just illegal to place them on the web for downloading? Can one...
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Where would it be possible for me to find footage of the tsunami disaster that doesnt' involve copyright and all that for use in an educational documentary. (or any footage of tidal waves). Thank you...

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