I have been doing the gk crossword in the Saturday Telegraph for a long time, however I am getting a bit fed up of it, can anybody recommend one in a different weekend paper... ...
Two left in the TLS which thankfully isn't a jumbo-sized puzzle as I've had my fill of them in the last week haha :)p Mysterious writer of legendary stories has the chance to include much learned... ...
I'm questioning my life choices with the latest Money Week puzzle ;) Unhappy person with eccentric as set up (5) I have ??V?O but I'm not 100% on either letter, ta.
Blimey, what a monster! I've been ploughing through for a couple of days, and it's boiled down to these two regular clues left - Alastair’s extended half of speech (4) LA?G (LANG??) Low, about to... ...
I watched this last night on Disney & on the whole, I enjoyed it. I like a satisfying ending & this gave one. Whether or not Kenneth Branagh does it for you as Hercule Poirot, he - for me -... ...
I've more or less finished the grid and the unclued shenanigans, but one clue is being stubborn. Posted a letter to former archbishop (7) I have ?E?TAM? ...
Completely and utterly flummoxed by these last two: 5d) In Norway, the large kind of bus (7) I have S?U?T?E, and guess it's SHUTTLE, but cannot parse the Norway bit at all, and 22d) Religious... ...