Our Granda's grave has white stones on it, something like flint. The thing is they are quite dirty and I was thinking of cleaning them. What would be a good way of doing this to get them sparkling...
Anytime there is ever mention of Eminem being the first white rapper to have credibility there is always the jokey little, "ha ha, sure before Eminem there was only Vanilla Ice". Why does no one ever...
At the end of the video for Right Round, Flo Rida has a bottle/jar with a drink in it, does anyone know what the drink is meant to be? I know Snoop did a song called Gin and Juice and wondering has...
I bought a pack of cherry tomatoes today. They are red and a bit green and the red is not very dark. Does this mean they are under ripe or over ripe or past their best or what?
Everytime I put a DVD into my PC the program SonicCineplayer always starts to play it. How can I just have it come up with the box asking what function I want to perform when I put in a DVD? I don't...
How easy is it to mix up a bit of cement, say enough to link 4 or 5 bricks. Does the mixture have to be accurate. What items do you need and how much of each?
Me and my girlfriend had a conversation about going to heaven. She maintains that she would like to meet up with all her loved ones at that time. But I wouldn't be bothered to deal with all the...
Is there any site which chronicles the times in history where things from the bible have been proven false by scientific facts and the religous establishment has in turn accepted these fact thereby...
What I mean is if I have a folder, say for example called Music and in that folder I have a folders called Albums and within that folder I have 3 folders called A, B and C. Within A, B and C I have 10...
Does anyone know if I can connect my Sony PSP or Nintendo DS to the internet using the Dell Dimension 3100? I have an internet connection directly into my PC but do not have a wireless router.
We got the megadrive out tonight and started playing Micro Machines. We haven't had as much fun in ages. The only thing is the lead for the megadrive isn't carrying the audio and we only have 2...
Does it scare you how far we've all come in the space of 200 years, for example? In terms of evolution, if you believe in that, where we evolved over millions of years through finding out about wheels...