I am getting so sick of those foreigners who move here and subsequently have British born families who then complain that this Country does not honour their religion or that we insult them by our own...
Is there any good small recording machine on the market that would be good to take to college and record a tutor's lesson which would work in combination with hastily scribbled notes?
My old mercury thermometer has finally bitten the dust and I have a new plastic one that only gives the temperature in celcius. I know the old measurements of about 98F is sort of normal but what is...
I am seeing a lot of suggestions regarding private chats and answers between two people that one considers should not be made public and would prefer to talk about as a one to one. AB is a public site...
I get immune to bad newspaper reports but one story has so shocked me and has happened in Missouri last week. It concerns two friends Jimella and Tiffany who were best friends from school days....
My friend is giving herself a weekly injection of Enbrel (she has Ankolysing Spondelitis) and the drug must be kept refrigerated. She has just been told that Continental airlines won't refrigerate the...
I would like all various topic posts and the members banned when they post on any subject on B&S because its the -quote- first place that people read - unquote. I come online and read every topic's...
When I reply to a post I tick the box so I receive notifications of replies......I am not receiving them! I am having to try and remember what topic I was on and what topic I may have posted on and...
After spending an age picking out flowers, entering all details, thinking of a message for the card, entering payment details I receive notification that my card is not acceptable and to try...
Where can I get this? I am getting it for a friend who will be staying with me for 2 weeks and she says she can't take it in tablet form. In he USA it is in a small bottle with an eye dropper type of...
Is it a persons name who get's blacklisted or the address that they are living in? I am renting a property and the last two tenants obviously owe a great deal of money and have not had mail...
Ok, I will arrive at bristol airport about 07.30 to wait for my friends flight which is due to arrive at 08.55 (but has been arriving 30 minutes early this past month) What is the best car park for...
There are rules here whereby if a question is reported enough times then it is removed. I really don't think for one moment that ED sits and deletes those posts/questions that he finds personally...
Can anyone tell me regarding the short stay car park how much the cost is? Also is it purchase a ticket as you park or pay someone on your way out of the carpark? I have to meet a friend flying over...
Was William the legal heir to the English throne and therefore justified in his subsequent invasion and taking of the throne or was he a usurper and Harold the rightful king?
Any suggestions to the best printer that will print photo's almost to the quality of a camera shop or kodak or places where you send away 35mm films for prints? Alternatively, is it better to upload...