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Her Mother screamed at him,but their ----(9) were over-ruled. The -(9) to the big day was under way. Any help please Many thanks in advance...
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Stuck on these .Any help please. 5 The residence of the E.T's friend 3,5,2,6 12. Serving time for breakfast ? 8 23. Is this what made Superman super. 3,7,6. Many thanks...
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1.Grains before monarch (6) 2.Plush fifty(6) 3.Tar on behalf of potassium(9) any help would be much appreciated...
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17 down Of a city in south west Switzerland -e-e-e-- 30 across more equally balanced --e-e- Any help please...
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30 SL in a BUA. This one is driving me mad. Any ideas please.xx
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16 third bone (4) 19.Direction everyone almost joins(4,4) Any help please...
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stuck on this ditloid 3 con a PH any ideas please...
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answers are names of sweets,chewing gum or chocolates A(6)------- of excitement could be felt. (8)-------- were the (5) team and had taken an early lead. Many t any help...
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all answers are sweets,chewing gum,chocolate or chocolate bars With a (5)------- of their flags each team was played into the stadium and the (6)-------- began, Any help please. Thanx...
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Can anyone doing this quiz help please. The answers are sweets, chewing gum or chocolates and chocolate bars Being closest the earth crew were last to set off. The (5,3) ---------------,with it's...
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10. Sounds like E.T.'s friend and the home of a monster (5,4) Started in Florida, moved to Mississippi and later to Tennessee (6,4) any help much appreciated...
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really finding this difficult. All answers are names of sweets, chewing gum ,chocolates and chocolate bars. the remaining (5,40 ------------ would form into a nebula-(7)-------------material from...
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29 while this is a truly national veg (5) 52.this fruit requires encouragement to exist (5) thanx,...
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44. while this requires it's ecological properties to be assessed (fruit 9) .45.a short month and bassinet combine for this fruit (7) any help please...
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Last two , any help please 37 Precious stone and perilous 5letters 45.Does she like levis4 letters. thanx...
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54, this river in Devon initially gives this fruit . I was thinking Tamar-illo,but the clue says 8 letters any ideas please. 50. while this is considered the drink of the Gods in the East Many thanks...
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Mother grasps counterfeit coin (6) Mr DIbnah comes to a conclusion (5) A thousand and a hundredth ((9) Any help much appreciated .thanx...
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Can anyone help please 1.Initially just a collection of bones(5) boys name 13 A forthright chap (5) 36.A needlewoman in Joppa (6) girls name Thanks for any help...
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completely stumped on this last one, any help please? 7. Fashionable spar (4,3)...
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can anyone help on this last one please. Reads as gender bending wedding partners!!!(8) thanx...

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