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1. Do you look up to him? (3,7) 2.Sounds like a single boot(3,6) 3.Paddy's request?(4,2,3) Many thanks...
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Quiz is place names in England and Wales. Stuck one one clue, it is 9 letters and the only answer I can come up with is Holyhead but that has only 8 letters. clue 23 Xmas decoration on top Thanks for...
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All answers relate to a church or cathedral. 1. Wave down a European (4,4)) 2.This makes a neat corner(5) 3.Another was an Olympic skater (4) Last ones ,closing date 1st April Any help much...
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All answers are linked to a church or cathedral in some way. 3. This is not surrounded by water (5) 8. Look up to see age and glory (8) 11.Car not driving east or south(5) 12. Where the nobility used...
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Last two any help appreciated. 20 .Find reindeer out zooming every night. (6) 41.Ten still tick (6,2,4) Thanks...
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1.Sacred Tree (5,4) 2.A Noel greeting everyone liked(5) 3.Dear Father Christmas (6,4) Any help much appreciated...
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23. Literally sounds like a nutter(5) 62. Young male ox in reverse(6) 79.This envoy keeps it hush,hush (6,5) 83. Doesn't bother getting dressed in the mornings(6) Any help much appreciated...
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1. Nothing (3) 2.Sells lots of stuff (10) 3.Keeps the grim reaper away(4,5 or9) 4.Current curl(7) Any help much appreciated...
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15 Office type bird (9) 20 Makes things(8) 24 Drunken neckwear? (6) 30. Decision to bart? (6) Any ideas please...
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5. Nanny listened (8) 9. A breeze of a job!(11) 12. Shows the way (8) 23. Literally sounds like a nutter(5) Any help much appreciated...
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one to go 36. One with an interesting history ,belonging to an important family (11) Answer may be more than one word. Many thanks...
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8. Built by the poor in Mumbai (6) I think probably an anagram 11. Where a group of workers might sleep(9) May be more than one word 3. Old fashioned term for a B&B (13) again maybe more than one...
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Retailers 9.You are advised not to take these.(8) Transport 20. An actors guidance (5,5) Any help much appreciated . The last two ,which are bugging me.xx...
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Sorry guys I thought I had finished. Off on holiday tomorrow,and want to send off before I go. 31.Initially perhaps only logic defies any reasonable knowledge. That's Graham's story. (7) 42. Snag...
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40.Backing singers? Judges by the sound of it 3,5 41.Cycling master not CID regulated should reappear in more graceful pursuits.8,4,7 47. Who and Livingstone?7 Any help much appreciated...
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15.GBH look (10) 26.Passion forges music of acclaim(5,2,6) 32.Send back 104debt acknowledgments (7) Any help appreciated...
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Any help on the following please. 1. soothe when kneaded. Appropriate start.3,3,4 9. but maybe racing experts are going for one 7,5 126.Actor trims unclean surgery for this part Thanks...
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Clothes and accessories 3.Not a Double.(1 ,6) 7from the top Shelf.(6) 22not tights (6) Any help please...
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The answer contains the letters MM Small Rodent .(7) Many thanks for any help...
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Stuck on a few, any help please. 15 , Large et used for driving stakes 25th ( 7) 22. American word meaning full of sediment (5,5) 27 The value of these birds (10) 31. Bochil needs to change (6) sure...

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